If you are readding this-How have you been? I am well, thank you. If you are wondering It’s been a while I have written something on my blog. I try my best to be regular on my Instagram and Facebook page. I do update on …
Vegan January –Veganuary! The concept has become very popular among many of my friends specially those who are already vegetarians. I will be honest- I struggle to give up fish. Do I not believe eating or being or becoming vegetarian as good concept? I do …
Peace and happiness. These two words! They seem like my lifelong pursuit! No, they have not eluded me. I have just never learnt their meaning the way I do now. I guess age is not just a chronology after all. Age is the experience, the freedom the experience brings and the liberation from the pursuit of happiness. Or not, for that matter. Happiness is here. Right here. In me.
For all the time I waited for
someone else to GIVE me happiness. I thank those times as otherwise I would not
have ever seen that it was with me all these whiles. I just needed to make
friends with it. Growing up as a ‘good daughter’ who accomplished almost
everything she set her mind on made me feel that I was happy as I was making my
parents happy. Peace with self didn’t exist. Innocence of childhood did
though! It was always my mothers’ pride
in me that made me proud of myself. Then
I was out of home (too soon maybe but I was ready) and made a home for myself.
In Delhi and all by myself. I studied, cooked, cleaned and cooked for my
roommate and then friends and then boyfriend. I was happy as I was making
everyone around me happy. I accomplished everting but nothing at the same time.
My mind always had a mind of her own. Didn’t
I ever feel the tingling feeling of discontent with self? I did but like most
of us I put that on others. By then for me it was on R. Expectations that I
will have my ‘returns’ for the kindness, generosity and time I invested in him.
I forgot like in marketplace returns are volatile. Then marriage happened. Oh
!! what a drama it created my life. People who shouldn’t have meant anything
had the power to decide my days. My
pursuit of happiness was the farthest by then. I was tired, exhausted and
angry. All the time. My solace was my work and friends at work. A happened.
Like a breath of fresh air -her friendship bought life. She challenged
everything I have ever been. And then London happened. Nothing changed but the
geography, the winter and the colour of the leaf. Noting changed for long long
long time. I was the same person with same pursuit. Happiness.
But one fine morning, just like
that! I got up from bed and told that this must stop, and it must stop now. The
pursuit! I stopped! Instead what I did was I grabbed everything that I valued
the most and let go of the rest. It was me whom I valued the most. That was the
most honest response I have ever given to myself. I am the root of all my
happiness. I am the pursuit! I knew what I expected of me and what I can
achieve. And I fulfilled all my expectations. Or at least tried. There was no more
disappointment. In the whole process I suddenly looked ruthless, less giving
and little heartless too. But all these had their time in my life. Its my time
in my life. I am at peace.
You must think why a food blog
should have this. To me why not? It is my blog and I will do what I want to do
with my space. Anyway, I heard someone called
me ‘worthless’. Maybe not to me but to me it seemed like it was directed at me.
At first, I didn’t feel anything. But I left a discomfort in my body. I had
internalised it I realised. Am I worthless? No, I am not. I am worthy today and
yesterday and future! And that’s a decision I make for myself, no one else. The
moment I felt that in my body and mind, I could look into the eye of my own
discomfort and tell my worth is me so is my happiness.
I walked out of the train station
and there! The beautiful rain and the
smiling bus driver await me. Happiness and peace is me. And nothing else.
I had few requests for the recipe
of Bhoger Khichuri and Labra. I did plan to post them before Durga Puja but
that didn’t happen. Lakshmi puja is around the corner. So, I guess it’s not all
that late after all. Here is the recipe for Labra the way I cook it. I will not
add any measurement to the recipe as I mostly do not cook with measurement.
Please go by your taste bud. It is one of the tastiest and the simplest of
Bengali vegetable recipe. I make it often at home to eat with rice or roti too.
A little bit of rice, labra, mosur dal and gondhoraj lebu -life is perfect.
Cut them in sizes so that they do not mush up in the process of cooking. I diced them and left the orka full cutting the top, as they tend to become mushy anyway
Heat oil in the big karahi
Add Bay leaf , dry red chilli and panchphoron
Once the bay leaf change colour and there is smell of panchphoron and chilli coming from oil, add all the vegetables except okra, cauliflower and pumpkin
Add ginger paste , cumin powder, turmeric power and salt of top of the vegetable and cover the karahi
The vegetable will start to get cooked with steam from the covered karahi and will release water . keep stirring occasionally so that you are aware how much it has been cooked and if water needed to be added. keep stirring as this will mix the spices with all the vegetable nicely
Once vegetables are mostly cooked add the cauliflower, orkra and pumpkin and give a good stir and cover the karahi
Add sugar as per your taste and let the vegetable cook and become mushy ( thats why its call Labra) mushy vegetable. Add gree chillis too
check if the oil has separated and vegetables are broken and mushy and well cooked. Taste for salt and sugar
Serve with Khichuri or boiled rice and slice of lemon
Recipe Notes
The spices are roughly measured . Specially add ginger if you feel the heat or smell of ginger is not there
You can use more or less vegetables but I always add radish to my labra for the smell
Cutting the vegetable has method as my ma says but I just cut them
Don not worry if the vegetables are mushy. That is how they should be
you can add sliced coconut and fried peanut to give it different taste. I do not use like to use them. I like the pure taste of Labra
Durga Puja has already started in various places in UK. Last Sunday I had a food stall in one of the pujas in Basingstoke. This was my fifth year with them. Somehow over the years I have formed a bond with them which comes alive …
I come and go, isn’t it. Life has not been easy. Well, it is not meant to be easy. But there are times when one needs to let it be-let life shape itself. Sooner or later it settles down and gives us the space we …